Digital artist who infrequently can scrape enough energy to create stuff. I like to escape with art and draw cute anthros.

  • 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • There was a strategy to it! Instead of dropping coin down every last blade, little kid me aligned the machine a particular way so the coin would drop all the way down to the second to last blade. Then I would nudge the coin to the edge, then twist and suddenly stop to give it enough force to not just fall straight down, but also not enough to fling it past the final blade. I’d say I won around half the time, and intentionally only did it once every so often to not arise suspicion you could game it well. I was sad when my 25 cent burritos were taken away for good after this machine left, ah well.

  • Yeah, pure art posts are against the rules, but it’s often pretty easy to turn something into a joke related to the art you’ve made. Also it could just be emotionally relatable, which is also allowed.

    Yeah I feel you on that, at least in the sense of knowing people enjoy what you create anyway. It doesn’t have to do anything crazy, but knowing people want to see it from time to time is certainly a nice feeling. Art is a form of personal expression after all, and I want to share that with others freely. That is also what I look out for in others too, people who want to share their ideas and create purely because they want to. A labor of love and nothing more.

  • Engagement is one of those things which is a bit odd to try and capitalize on. It’s less about the content itself and more about the where and when a lot of the time. You’d be surprised just how much the exact same post would change in reach just by shifting your post time by a few hours. I never found /r/furry to be a good place to post artwork when I used Reddit. Slapping a tagline and putting it onto furry_irl was significantly more effective with user interaction and turnarond. Though regardless, virtually none of those people ever interacted with my furaffinity.

    At the end of the day though, being popular has little to do with hard work and improvement as an artist. It’s much more about endlessly shoveling out content of any quality and constant self promotion. If you’re not the kind of person who wants to turn marketing into a hobby, you and I are in the same boat. Just making things we want because we can, and sharing stuff without expecting any real engagement. I might not be popular, but at least I feel free to do as I please.