I would like “Kills Nazis” to be a common, simple part of Canadian identity, like hockey and manners. Basically, I want this:
“Oh Bob? Yeah he’s just a good old Canadian boy. Smooth wristshot, absolute sniper. Always helps his neighbour shovel the walk. There was a demonstration by a bunch of those “Sons of Odin” fuckers downtown last week and he stopped by to huck bricks at them and protect counterprotestors. You know, we should have him over for a beer and some steaks”
Sons of Odin are a Canadian white supremacist movement with Viking inspired iconography and a stated mission to “stop the spread of Shariah Law”. They were started in 2018 and started with a very media-savvy push as a “service organization” doing park clean ups and handing out water and granola bars to homeless people. Their intent was to grow to spread their Xenophobia and anti-islamic rhetoric.
They aren’t a large group, maybe 15k members coast to coast and that’s spread pretty thinly. As for why I picked them? I dunno- memorable name and more “Canadian” than name dropping the Klan.