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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I think it’s a publication bias thing. Because so much was written about these people in their day, they become mascots for the time period. And what they did, while objectionable, is impressive. They had a massive influence on recorded history.

    My own theory is that there is so much written in these times because of the massive inequality then. Books, statues, etc are expensive. In times of ecomonic equality, especially before the press, people would be less likely to waste time and resources on such things. Thats money better spent on improving their and their communities lives. But when you have massive inequality and a narcisist in charge, you get books, statues, and massive projects dedicated to the men who can afford them.

  • I agree with a lot of the posts here. It can be great to relax, but try not to use it as a crutch. I’m this way with alcohol. I don’t reccomend shaming yourself for your vices and coping mechanisms, but look closely at what it’s doing to you and try to keep it under control. Set rules, arbitrary as they may have to be, to make sure you can improve your life and enjoy it while you do it. Maybe workout, volunteer, or work on a hobby first. Maybe as simple as no weed on weeknights and/or during the day. If you break the rules you set, don’t feel ashamed, just acknowledge it and move forward. Some people when trying to improve their habits will “break a streak” then feel like they failed and give up.