Bud the people you’re barking at aren’t here, and even if they were they’re probably on the King’s side. This is what they voted for and believe everything he does is a midas touch. They’re fucking idiots.
Bud the people you’re barking at aren’t here, and even if they were they’re probably on the King’s side. This is what they voted for and believe everything he does is a midas touch. They’re fucking idiots.
Yeah, the sole reason they’re suggesting it now is because they know it’s too little too late. It will go nowhere and we all know this, them Dems will be like ‘oh but we tried!’ Fucking useless.
Ohhh I misunderstood. I thought you meant actual applications but you just meant vr apps in general. Well, thank you for the recommendations either way!
Hey I’m picking up VR currently. Can I get some recommended apps from you?
What is non-TPM? My main resistance to 11 is just enshittification / advert bullshit plus whatever the screenshotting privacy nightmare garbage was as well.
Okay thanks! Happy gaming!
Dude is being a bit harsh. I got through it fine, don’t stress on it.
95 percent of the folks I’ve known literally get them as a ‘oh my Amazon package is here’ device, not for security. Granted security is a bonus, but if you actually wanted security you’d get perimeter cams, not a doorbell with a very limited FoV.
That pic is great, haha. Woman looks so smug.
Always appreciate your posts man! Thanks for taking time out of your day to add content to Lemmy! I have a question: I’ve played Control which references Alan Wake and the story definitely piqued my interest. I do own the first but haven’t played it. At this point should I play the first before the second? Or just go with the second one?
This is literally me this week. Came in Monday to folks having knee jerk panic reactions then are unreachable to properly diagnose or, heaven forbid, fix the issue. Was definitely important enough to wreck my Monday though.
I’ve known several Jeep owners over the last decade and those that weren’t buying it strictly for the ‘Jeep clout’ as an actual vehicle/daily driver had constant issues, while under warranty, and dealt with issues even trying to get said warranty work done. Like that wasn’t enough for me, on top of that I had a mechanic with his own shop that said he’d never touch another Jeep because of how horribly they are designed to work on. Anything from ease of access to work on the engine to bolts stripping out because they were overtorqued during assembly and made with shit metals that would sooner melt than come off in one piece. Now this? Yeah, hope they go bankrupt. This is just as bad as BMW and their ‘pay a subscription for seat warmers’ bullshit.
Perfect example of ‘rules for thee but not for me’. Assholes have no issue throwing the book at individuals infringing on copyright, then will turn around and pull heinous shit like this. Heinous in their eyes mind you.
Right. Hence the entire basis of the joke.
Honestly didn’t think of this and I usually have subtitles on. Appreciate it!
Honestly it’s a win/win for both. Parent prob put the ‘deal’ in place because they needed a break, but the punchline is ‘jokes on you I WANTED to go to the playground.’ aka the kid had already gotten the hang of being on the bike. I like it. I’ve had similar happen with my kids.
I can’t fathom the logic but maybe that’s because I’m not racist. The best thing here would be if people would just enjoy shit and shut the fuck up. I will straight up admit I didn’t understand a fuckin word Lamar said on stage, but I also understand that my taste in music doesn’t include whatever type of rap it is that he performs. But I cannot fathom sitting there watching that and the only thought on my mind is ‘holy SHIT there’s not a single white person on the stage !!!’ Just…wat.
Oh my god I love that picture. So perfect hahaha
You’re basically making it sound like most of us are just fucked and shouldn’t try because the damage is done.
Yup this is exactly the argument I bring when it comes to this. People act like female leads just suddenly started to exist, and usually get irritated if I state those particular movies suck. A character being female or gay should not be the entirety of that characters use in the movie. If the story is done we’ll and they happen to be female, gay, trans, whatever, and those things compliment and show a strength they wouldn’t have otherwise and assist them in the story: Fucking fantastic. But that’s not what we are getting majority of the time. We get ‘hey this character is female therefore this movie is amazing’. Nah.
Examples of well written female leads off the top of my head:
The Hunt (2020): I actually reference this one specifically because it destroys the trope of ‘females being weak and needing rescue’. This chick flips the whole movie on its head.
Kate (2021): Another action film (sorry) but more of the same. Well written gritty main character who happens to be female.
Everything, everywhere, All at Once: Pretty much everyone knows this movie at this point. I wanted to include this one specifically because it’s an example of being well written characters and story where being female is a strength and deepens the story and characters. The mother / daughter connection and the turmoil of growing children, etc makes the movie. Arguably it would be worse if they tried to replace them with men and have the same impact.
I could keep going but by this point I’m sure I’m beating a dead horse.