• 3 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2024


  • handing social welfare to poor and disabled, etc

    The fact that you implement some policies that are socialist in nature, doesn’t mean that whole system you’re running is socialism. Especially considering that all these states run capitalistic economies at their core

    Well, woudn’t be the first time words get new meaning due to events in history.

    Thing is, socialism as a system has surprisingly almost no strict definition. The best I’ve ever found is “Democratization of access to means of production” or “State control of means of production”

    By these definitions Polish socialism with its centrally planed economy was an actual socialism.

  • Because it appeals to misguided people who have no idea what shit show it was.

    Seriously, in Polish Sejm there’s currently no party with “Socialism” in the name. That brand doesn’t sell here

    In reality the model you described earlier runs in majority of European countries - state run health care + state run or at least state controlled critical infrastructure + some welfare for poor - all of this financed by taxes collected from capitalist economy.

    By all possible definitions it’s a welfare state

    Most of civilized world outside of US works like that.

  • You seem to confuse free education and healthcare, government control of essential resources (water, electricity) and government taking case of the poor and disabled to some authoritarian communist shitshow behind the iron curtain.

    You’re mistaking socialism for welfare state. Socialism IS the authoritarian shitshow behind iron curtain

  • Talk about misinformation: Wired purposefully didn’t cite actual statement which was: “The biggest success after that terrible era in our history was to label Adolf Hitler as right and conservative. He was exactly the opposite. He wasn’t a conservative. He wasn’t a libertarian. He was a communist socialist guy,”

    With the context it reads more like communist-like person, not literal communist.

    But the context be damned, we hate Elon and Wired confirms our bias so we eat misinformation like it’s a gospel written by God himself

  • Renewables are an invisible revolution that everyone seems to be ignoring. I don’t know why, but if you look at the numbers, solar alone grows at staggering rate of ~20-25% EACH YEAR. This is a massive, exponential growth that won’t slow down until some limiting factor kicks in (either resource availability or price of electricity falls down)

    Wikipedia: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Growth_of_photovoltaics

    This is GLOBAL. This has nothing to do with ecology, I’ve run some rough estimations few years ago - solar is CHEAPER than fossil even in temperate climate. Similar story with the wind power - well managed renewable power plants print money, it’s a good business.

    That said, this is about electricity production, fossil fuels are still unmached for transportation and this isn’t going to change any time soon