• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • Not even close to what I said, but OK, you’ll notice I still vote in the General election, and I can count on one finger the number of times I’ve voted for a Republican, in the general.

    That was the last midterm election when the warden of the San Diego jail was up for reelection, and had stepped down because we achieved the award of deadliest jail in the US. The candidate the Democrats ran was his deputy warden. At least the Republican candidate didn’t have a few hundred inmates blood on his hands. I would have voted third party if I could have, but no one else ran.

    I hold my nose and vote for the least undesirable candidate I am given. I’ve voted for RCV multiple times, and I protest homelessness and police brutality as frequently as I can. What more do you want?

  • Dude. I’m set to retire before I’m 50, and I’m 43, also a veteran. I’m retiring in San Diego, the most unliveable city in the US. Paying taxes is the second most patriotic thing that a citizen can do. The fact that you view them as theft is a you problem. They are the dues that you owe society for treating you so well.

    The four most patriotic things one can do are as follows in this order:

    1. Vote.

    2. Pay your damn taxes.

    3. Serve in local office, and maybe higher.

    4. Serve in the military.

    The reason that the military is so low is that most people aren’t a good fit for the military. We need thinking soldiers that will refuse an unlawful order, not mindless automatons that parrot every hateful lie they can.