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Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Sent a relatively new and somewhat nervous co-worker a “grandpasimpsonleave.gif” responding to the 8 billionth mutual emergency of the day followed immediately by “I kid, I kid, we’ll fix it! 😉 [Relevant follow up question]?”

    Guess which of those two messages was the last one unaffected by the outage? Yep. I got to watch her devolve into a panic as her messages reached me and my responses didn’t get sent to her, and THEN delivered in the worst order/selection possible. Felt like the more critical the message, the less likely to send.

    And! She’s on the other side of the continent and all her location’s phones are through teams also! And it was time sensitive.

    Rough Friday.

  • It may not be CSI quality, but it is FBI quality! Those EXACT tests and types of matches were how they identified the golden state killer and identify hundreds of John/Jane Does every year these days.

    Turi King, who worked on the Richard III identification, has done very great and approachable lectures on those tests and how they’re used in forensic genetics. Highly recommended watch BTW, and several are available on YouTube - she has one on just those tests and how they can be used as well as discussing their strengths and weaknesses with examples.

    The “I’m 3.2% Native American” stuff is (mostly) BS, but if it’s identifying specific matches, it’s pretty strong evidence. It’s not definitively HIM until they test him specifically, but it is the exact sort of thing that should put you on a suspect list and warrant him spitting in a cup, yeah.

    The only way I could see it NOT being him is if he was using a close relative as the source, but I’m not sure why he wouldn’t say that once challenged. Technically, that would have fulfilled the requirements of “anonymous” and “unknown to the mother” he promised.