Republicans in Ohio want to undermine the will of voters who approved a measure enshrining reproductive freedom into the state’s constitution

    10 months ago

    Hey, don’t get the Muslims involved. Their god sanctions abortions (under specific circumstances, though over the years these have mostly evolved to: mother in danger, rape, child will be severely handicapped or the old, we don’t have the effing money for one more mouth to feed and may God forgive us and we won’t talk to anybody about it).

    That’s why it baffled me to see Canadian Muslims support their Christian counterparts to ban abortions.

    At this point, I have to say that they’ve never even read their books.

      10 months ago

      Same with Judaism. The fetus isn’t considered alive until it emerges from the woman. Until that point, it’s considered potential life and not as important as the woman’s actual life. In fact, the fetus is considered part of the woman the same way as her hip bone is part of her body.

      In Judaism, getting an abortion isn’t considered murder like some Christians think it is. Then again, those Christians don’t care what other religions (or people who aren’t religious) think. They want their religious views to be the law of the land.