PHOENIX (AP) – The 2024 presidential election is drawing an unusually robust field of independent, third party and long shot candidates hoping to capitalize on Americans’ ambivalence and frustration over a likely rematch between Democrat Joe Biden and Republican Donald Trump.

    11 months ago

    Biden is a good candidate. He hasn’t been impeached yet, unlike his competitor during this same time in his term; he hasn’t started a coup on his own country, and the fact that he’s experienced at the job he’s applying to is actually a good thing (displayed by the passing of both the CHIPs act and the IRA despite not having complete control of congress). Hilary was actually a significantly better candidate than Trump(very obvious in hindsight for many), but Trump had the advantage of Russian support and the fact that it was uncertain how he would act as president. Once voters found out how Trump is as a president, they turned away from him in droves as evidenced by the fact that he’s the first president to lose reelection in 20 years, and Republicans have lost every election since Trump was voted in.

    Biden ain’t perfect, but man he’s a huge upgrade compared to Trump.

    lets break that down a bit here. your argument is in 3 parts:

    • Biden is not Trump
    • Biden is “experienced”
    • and Biden managed to take care of business.

    Point one applies to literally every one whose not trump; and even if go so far as to be ‘not-trump-like’, that would include a fair number of Republicans, too. It’s not an argument that should be seriously made when deciding who the Democratic candidate should be… because it’s pretty much a given.

    Point two… that’s also an argument against. He’s been in the senate for longer than I’ve been alive. We need change. we don’t need the same washed up and tired ideas. Biden’s functional policies have only grudgingly changed. for example, if he wanted to legalize weed, he could have. He could have chosen to not open up Willow Project- like he had (indirectly) promised to not do. further, he’s only had what? 12 years experience in the excecutive branch? and 8 as second fiddle. his record there is pretty uninspiring, to be honest. You’re welcome to disagree.

    point three- has Biden accomplished a lot? compared to trump? absolutely. Trump left this country in a shambles and Biden helped pick up the pieces. Helped- he was far from alone in that. and the CHIPS act is largely a no-brainer bill. same goes for the IRA and the infrastructure act. before trump came to office, all of them would have been hailed as modest bits of normalcy. Big bills? sure. Important? absolutely. but nothing worth bragging about.

    It should be noted that most VBNW-type people are only pushing the first argument. Which is intellectually dishonest and a scare tactic. Virtually any one capable of being the democratic canidate is not trump, and is a far cry from trumpism. especially the actual progressives. we can talk about what Biden has done, and his policy decisions and where he’s propelled the country to. but from where I sit, most of his accomplishments are full of half measures.

    Like, he kept the ship from listing more, and he’s bailing his hardest, but, the ship ain’t righting and it’s still leaking.

      11 months ago

      If we’re talking about candidate for president, then easily Biden is the best choice. Why would the DNC even think about not picking Biden as the candidate when Americans voted him in already, and he hasn’t shit the bed? Not only that, this is a literal repeat of the election Biden won, against the exact same opponent with the EXACT same platform and message. I should emphasize, Trump LOST his reelection something that hasn’t happened since HW Bush in '92 and yet Trump lost because he was so bad. So here we are a president running for reeelection in which there’s a history of presidents mainly winning their reelection campaigns. It seems like a no brainer, run Biden unless he messes up soon (since closer to election time, the calculus becomes harder to figure out).

      In regards to my point 2, We tried something new with Trump and it was a train wreck. Having experience for a job is always a plus, when compared to someone that knows nothing/very little. I agree Biden isn’t exactly my cup of tea (voted for Bernie), but he’s not crap compared to other Democrats, and against Trump there’s not contest. But we’re passed deciding whether we need to change out Biden, that decision point was back during the primary.

      Point three, Neither of those bills are modest and especially not with the current political atmosphere. Some R politicians are literally saying that Biden stole the election and has committed impeachable actions, they’ve been acting and voting with that in mind. The CHIPs act voted with overwhelming republican disapproval. So doesn’t seem like a no brainer decision for Republicans which makes it rather surprising that it passed in general. Same thing with the Inflation Reduction Act which is the biggest spending bill for the environment for US and world history. Republicans overwhelming voted against it in the House and Senate as well.

        11 months ago

        and he hasn’t shit the bed?

        • WIllow Project (oil drilling project in alaska)
        • Palestine
        • student loan debt (well, there’s some progress on it, but its far from complete.); cost of tuition. 0
        • Dreamers.
        • Immigration reform. Customs detention facilities. dealing with the asylum crisis.
        • Policing reform.
        • codifying Roe v. Wade.
        • Housing costs; and other debt.
        • Core inflation has come down, but the kind of inflation people feel on a daily basis hasn’t (Food and energy paramount here.)

        Seriously, compared to any ex-president other than trump, and at best he’s “Meh”.

        The CHIPs act voted with overwhelming republican disapproval. So doesn’t seem like a no brainer decision for Republicans which makes it rather surprising that it passed in general. Same thing with the Inflation Reduction Act which is the biggest spending bill for the environment for US and world history. Republicans overwhelming voted against it in the House and Senate as well.

        Yep. because they’re the party of shitting themselves and blaming democrats. the point being, though, that while Biden did a fair amount of heavy lifting there- he didn’t do all the heavy lifting. Those bills aren’t exclusively biden’s win.

      11 months ago

      Like, he kept the ship from listing more, and he’s bailing his hardest, but, the ship ain’t righting and it’s still leaking.

      Half of the passengers are actively shooting holes into the ship. I don’t think there’s a human alive that could right it. There is no Ideal Candidate who can fix all these problems in one term - probably not even in two. So I don’t get why we’re holding Biden to this impossible standard where conservatives create problems faster than anyone can solve them, but then we hold Biden solely responsible for the both the cleanup and the progress we should have made in the meantime, but then we also won’t afford him the benefit of “helping.” In your words, “he was far from alone in that,” well why should he be?

        11 months ago

        He shouldn’t be alone, obviously.

        The question isn’t whether or not some one is ideal. Or if they could right the ship- you’re right that’s basically impossible.

        The question is… can some one do a better job? And I think the answer is yes. Now is not the time to play it safe. Hilary was the “safe” play and she lost. And she wasn’t responsible for supporting a genocidal state. (Well she might have done in biden’s shoes,)

        Now is the time to come out swinging, because that’s the only way we’re going to get back to where we should be. Biden isn’t going to lead that charge because he’s as conservative as centrist republicans were 20 years ago, and under him… he’s kept us from getting worse (more or less,). But that’s it.