• TrickDacy@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    I guarantee, there will STILL be New Yorkers coming into this thread, pitching weird ideas about how the buildings still make it seem even hotter than that, somehow.

    No they haven’t and no they won’t

        • Chill Dude 69@lemmynsfw.comOP
          6 months ago

          Are you really reading this shit?

          They’re ABSOLUTELY moving the goalposts. It’s all these New York motherfuckers talking about “well, you guise don’t actually spend any time outside of the air conditioning.”

          The non-goalpost-moving response would just be to say “yep. NYC is not hotter than the South.” And just leave it at that. But nobody can fucking do that, because New Yorkers have a fucking complex about their city NEEDING to be the biggest, the bestest, the mostest at EVERYTHING.

        • Chill Dude 69@lemmynsfw.comOP
          6 months ago

          Those guys are fine. It’s the “b-b-b-but y’all southerners don’t actually ever go outside, you’re in the air conditioning all the time, so NYC is still REALLY hotter, because people are out in the streets sweating more” responses that are annoying me.

          Just say “yes, NYC isn’t the hottest place” and leave it at that. That would be the non-cringe thing to do. But they CAN’T leave it at that. They’re not physically able to.

          • TrickDacy@lemmy.world
            6 months ago

            maybe you could point to such an example.

            it sounds like you just have cultural issues with city dwellers.

            • Chill Dude 69@lemmynsfw.comOP
              6 months ago

              I thought you said you went all through the thread. I guess you didn’t. You just lied and said you did. But okay, that’s fine. Here we go:

              In the south, you’re probably driving around in an air conditioned vehicle, sitting in an air conditioned house, visiting an air conditioned business. Doubt your spending as little time outside as possible. In NYC, you’re walking all over the fucking place, waiting for a subway car, standing on a platform surrounded by 50 other people, climbing three flights of stairs to get out of the subway station and on to the street where you still need to walk 5 blocks to get where you’re going.

              We just are actually outside, unlike all southerners who don’t do manual labor. Rain or shine, freeze or burn, NYC is in the 100 year old unventilated subway tunnels with trains venting the heat from their ACs in the summer…if you come to visit in August you’ll sweat more in NYC than August in Dallas.

              AC to AC with the exception of going to the swimming pool/beach/river/lake.

              So, again, you’re saying you read all through this thread? And you somehow missed those? Really? Okay.

              • TrickDacy@lemmy.world
                6 months ago

                The expectation was that unless I’d read it again upon return, then I’m a liar?

                uh ok.

                Also, they make good points. I don’t really get that they are saying it’s hotter in NYC than other places, which is the false claim this post makes to begin with.

                • Chill Dude 69@lemmynsfw.comOP
                  6 months ago

                  The meme is a reference to New Yorkers who really do make a bunch of weird claims that NYC summers are somehow magically hotter than anywhere else, because NYC has to be #1 in EVERY CATEGORY, or else they can’t go on living.

                  I don’t have a replay of every conversation I’ve had (or overheard) about that topic, over the last forty fucking years. But it’s been plenty of times.

                  Also, I don’t have a problem with city-dwellers. I have a problem with NEW YORKERS, in this context. Let’s be clear on that. No other city feels the need to do crap like this. All cities have their specific things they brag about, but they don’t all insist on having the best of ALL THE THINGS.

                  Maybe London and San Francisco fight about who’s the foggiest. Maybe Detroit and Chicago fight about who’s got the most murderers. Maybe L.A. and Miami and Atlanta fight about who’s got the best hawt summer nightlife. But they don’t ALL SAY THEIR CITY IS THE BIGGEST, GREATEST, BESTEST, MOSTEST AT EVERYTHING.

                  You know what the sick joke really is? New York City hasn’t really been hot shit since the 1930s. It’s been coasting downhill, ever since. Almost all their great buildings and bridges, almost all their infrastructure, almost all their cultural institutions come from the late 19th and early 20th Centuries. But the superiority complex just keeps on rolling. Watching from the outside, it’s more pitiful than anything, really.

                  • TrickDacy@lemmy.world
                    6 months ago

                    Okay. I don’t really get that. Out of the things I hear new yorkers brag about, they are basically correct. I am not a new yorker, but their pizza, entertainment, and culture is basically what the western world runs on. I know someone who lives in LA who cannot miss a single opportunity to shit on any other city/town. So yeah, I don’t really see the issue here, or if there is one, being unique to NYC.