Another day, another threat of nuclear retaliation against the West by Putin.

Realistically, if Russia were to launch missiles against European capitals, how long a warning would the inhabitants get? What about North America (USA, Canada)?

Does NATO have the capability of in-flight interception? Or other defense mechanisms?

How deep underground is safe to protect against a modern nuclear blast?

Stay safe y’all.

  • The Snark
    7 months ago

    There’s no interdiction capability that can be relied on.

    No matter where you find yourself on that hot day, many cold ones will follow. The food supply will dwindle to a small fraction of what the survivors will require. Being underground will not fix that.

    There’s no hiding from humanity’s nuclear suicide attempt. Do what you think best to prevent it.

      7 months ago

      I read (watched a video) about the fallout from enough bombs exploding and the results would be a MASSIVE amount of carbon going up in the sky. Well past anything that the “normal sky system” would be able to effect. I don’t know the right words for the part of our sky.

      Basically there would be up to 10 years of winter before that carbon leaves and we start getting back to some normal seasonal cycle. The grow/harvest time during the meantime will not be nearly enough for all of us.

      I plan on ending it before all that, if a nuclear fallout does occur. I’d be better able to get some booze/drugs and go on a bender. Good luck to the survivors.

    6 months ago

    First, Russia is unlikely to nuke anyone, assuming of course that their nukes actually work. The consequences for a nation that did decide to let off the big firecrackers…. Well, no one has a large enough army or enough nuclear weapons to fight the rest of the world. Or rather, what would remain of it, and the Geneva Conventions would become more the Geneva Suggestions.

    As for warning time, that depends on the deployment method. Tactical weapons, you wouldn’t have much, if any, warning. Strategic weapons, anywhere from 5 minutes to a few hours, depending. Tactical weapons tend to have ranges somewhere in the 100 km range, and have, generally a much smaller blast radius.

    Interceptors have been developed, (s400, Patriot and others) but how well they would work against a nuclear warhead is untested as far as I know. I think it would depend on how the warhead was fused and triggered.

    As for your last question, no clue. My understanding that current warheads range in size from something that can take out a city block to weapons that can take out New York City and everything in between. The only thing the average person can really do is treat it like you would a tornado. Head to your nearest shelter and stay away from windows.

    Dr. Tyson says that modern nukes don’t usually have much radiation fallout anymore but still, be upwind if you can and take a shower after the attack but don’t use conditioner.

    If the thought of possible nuclear war scares you, you might want to consider learning more about it. There are two channels on YouTube I would recommend as a starting off point, Perun and Kyle Hill. Perun does military economic analysis and Kyle Hill is a science educator with an emphasis of nuclear technology. Both have done presentations on nuclear weapons and their use.

      7 months ago


      Did you forget about all the stuff with Putin likely being terminal and that’s why he took the risk to invade Ukraine?

      If that psycho is really dying, and his last wish is to bring Ukraine back to Russia to rebuild an empire…

      Eventually he’ll win or he’ll use nukes.

      He doesn’t give a fuck about anything except his legacy. If it can’t be for unifying Russia, it’ll be for going out for n a blaze of “glory”.

      You’re forgetting a lot of nuclear armed countries are being run by insane people.

          7 months ago

          You’re right, and additionally he can’t just decide to use them unilaterally. Launching those nukes would take a bunch of egotistical, self-centered sociopaths all deciding to commit suicide together.

            7 months ago

            Or it just takes a chain of people that have been watching Russian state controlled news since they learned to walk.