• Skull giver@popplesburger.hilciferous.nl
    7 months ago

    I believe the generally accepted thing in America after the Roe vs Wade deal was “when the foetus can survive outside the womb”, which has changed over the years thanks to advances in medical science.

    The maximum amount of weeks in gestation before abortion can take place varies per country, and also depends on things like health risks and whether sexual assault has taken place. Maximums range between 10 and 24 weeks after conception. Some countries put no limits on abortion in some cases (though I doubt you’d wait 8 months before getting an abortion if you’ve been raped), others outright ban the practice.

    It’s hard to say when an embryo turns human. Some people consider any fertilised embryo that manages to attach itself to the womb human (which I can understand completely); others follow the Catholic Church, which deem a child to he a child only after its first breath. The people who had their embryos destroyed in that Alabama clinic sued for child murder, which was sustained by the judge, implying that even embryos that don’t manage to attach themselves are people. There is no definitive answer, the best we have is a kind of moving average that depends on the ethics of the people governed by laws.