Apple has decided to remove Progressive web apps from iOS in EU. If you have a business in the EU or serve EU users via Web App/PWA, we must hear from you in the next 48 hours!

    7 months ago

    Forgive me for taking the easy layup:

    Me: pwas are insecure and generally a bad idea. It’s easy to believe that apple is breaking the stuff that makes them possible in order to enhance security and I think it’s a good thing.

    You: well they work fine on famously secure and privacy respecting platform android, did you ever think of that?

    In all seriousness I do think pwas are gonna be put in users choice of browser jail on all platforms including the desktop eventually and as different aspects of their operation start making the news in bad ways they’ll get pruned away. Apple is ahead of the curve on this one.

    I’m not sure if pwas will continue to exist once the stuff that allows them to function the way they do is taken away. Once you take away persistent cache, notifications, unique browser engines and probably some other stuff I’m forgetting they start to look a lot less enticing when compared to just having a website or making an application that’s distributed through normal channels.

      7 months ago

      Users should be allowed to use whatever they want and not be restricted by an asshole company that “respects privacy” when in reality it’s just about control.

        7 months ago

        That sounds a lot like the old windows 95 and dos days where the expectation was that the os would never stand in the way of even the most obviously malicious software.

        I don’t want to go back to those days and even the most freedom loving environments have dropped support for operations like direct memory mapped io and more pertinent to the topic of our discussion, web technologies like flash and inline pdf rendering.

        I get that it feels like someone is trying to take something away from you, but you gotta recognize that the thing they’re taking away is basically a gun pointed at your own foot.

        I run a lot of systems that allow you to screw up, but I don’t have any complaints about one that doesn’t, especially when it’s on mobile: a platform with a much higher risk, reward for compromise, higher user trust and higher level of obfuscation regarding what’s happening under the hood.