• EvilZionistEatingChildren@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Putting aside existing evidence for it

    There isn’t a specific count. Just like there is no count for “how many Russian civilians has to die for each Ukrainian soldier”. Israel didn’t ask this war, Hamas did. Hamas is in charge of Gaza, not Israel.

    • WaxedWookie@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      You understand that the Israeli government funded Hamas over the PLO, don’t you? Netanyahu signed the death warrant on his own citizens to create the pretext for the genocide he’s now accelerating - Netanyahu and the Israeli government did ask for this war.

      • FourPacketsOfPeanuts@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        up to 2005 UN, EU, America, Russia, Israel and a host of middle east intermediates like Qatar: provide aid to Gaza to encourage economic growth, is inevitably siphoned off by Hamas and others for military purposes

        2006: UN, EU, America, Russia, Israel: “dear Hamas totes congrats on winning an election, wonder if you could abandon your pledge to genocide Israel and pick up the two state solution discussions where Fatah got up to? Else…y’know… we’ll have to cut aid and stuff coz that’s a bit terroristy”

        Hamas: “Fuck you infidel! We look forward to strangling your children in their bed” incoherent yelling

        UN, EU, America, Russia: deep sigh

        Israel: cuts aid, blockades Gaza

        Egypt: also blockades Gaza Yo you Hamas bois are batshit insane, no way we’re having an open border with you “Muslim brothers”…

        Western social science students: why would Israel do this?

        • WaxedWookie@lemmy.world
          10 months ago

          I’ll keep this simple.

          You have a bunch of genocidal dipshits welding small arms embedded in a civilian population, propped up by a genocidal nuclear power with a modern military and F-35s.

          • Which has the ability to deliver on that genocidal intent, and has been wiping out the other at a rate of between a dozen and five hundred to one over the past few decades?

          • Why did Israel prop up Hamas over the moderate, secular PLO, who wouldn’t murder Israelis?

        • dx1@lemmy.world
          10 months ago

          It’s interesting how this leaves out 17 years of choking supplies of food and water to the civilian population of Gaza, the Israeli occupation and settlements in Gaza prior to 2005, the fact that that illegal occupation had been ongoing for 38 years despite international outcry, the naval blockade amounting to an act of war of its own, and really the whole broader context of the population of Gaza being displaced by ethnic cleansing by Israel since 1948.

      • EvilZionistEatingChildren@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        Okey that is a valid argument! Second one in a dozen of comments or so

        Yes i know this mofo funded hamas and hope he ll pay for it. However, the attack on 7 October happened on Israeli territory, not the opposite. That’s still a “defensive operation” in my understanding.

        • WaxedWookie@lemmy.world
          10 months ago

          I really don’t like this argument (defensive genocide? Come on.), but it’s one for Palestine in any case - look at the Israeli operation of Palestine as an open air concentration camp, and look at the casualty stats - between a dozen and five hundred Palestinian casualties per Israeli casualty, depending on your datasource and the way you slice it. This would justify the 7 October attack as defensive - which they weren’t.

          Again, if you combine all that with the fact what Israel have backed the IDF, and the fact that Israel are a nuclear power with an advanced military, and f35s (compared to a paraglider and small-arms) how do you conclude that this is defensive?

          • EvilZionistEatingChildren@lemmy.world
            10 months ago

            I reject your second argument: the fact that one army is light years ahead of their opponent does not automatically make «offensive» whatever they do, nor does it mean that the advanced army should not fight at all. Good for them to be advanced

            Regarding your first point, and the fact that there are so many civil victims for so «few» Israeli victims: agreed there are many. With some gotchas:

            • a non zero number of those civilians are only «civilians» because Hamas said so. It is a known fact they count their own fighters as «civilians». I do not deny that there are indeed, true civil victims. Israel has a record of letting people know where they attack in advance, so they do have some good will credit.
            • When you have a terrorist nest, next to your house, I think it’s pretty sensible to go in, and reduce their capacity to do harm. Most comments here reject even the fact that Israel had a right in first place to even enter the Gaza. I do believe they have total right to do so.
            • a genocide is a deliberate killing of civilians. Only Hamas deliberately targets civilians. IDF obviously could take more care in avoiding unnecessary death, but they don’t kill for fun as much as I know
            • It strikes to me that not as much pressure is put on Hamas for taking care of their citizen as it is on Israel. Hamas is ruling there, maybe Gaza’s citizens should somehow be involved in solving their problems?

            I am not here to justify every death of every kid in Gaza, but I do say that Israel was provoked, and we are in «find out» phase of «fuck around», and yes, I reject the notion of «genocide»

    • Maggoty@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      I must have missed the part of the Geneva Conventions that says, “unless they started it.”

      Oh wait, no I didn’t. Because it’s not fucking there.