The border between Mexico and America has a long history of bootleggers, drug traffickers and gun runners. Now egg smugglers can be added to that list.
The border between Mexico and America has a long history of bootleggers, drug traffickers and gun runners. Now egg smugglers can be added to that list.
Honestly, this is the real problem. They hate musk and bezos, but won’t quit Twitter or Amazon. They’ll say fuck Facebook “but oh, gotta keep up with family”. High inflation and prices? Can’t disappoint at Christmas! Don’t wanna give up my lifestyle, and trump is offering a quick fix
Seriously. As an American, it’s infuriating hearing about the constant complaining about our state (completely justified worry and complaint, mind you), with absolutely ZERO action being taken. Even the most minor inconveniences people won’t bother putting up with.
“Well I’ve got a family to take care of and my mortgage is too high and rent is too much and I don’t have enough time off and “ well yeah so do I- and everyone fucking else. People have thrown fists in MUCH more difficult circumstances. I understand it’s hard. I really fucking do. But if no one’s willing to even get off of Facebook or boycott Amazon, OR FUCKING VOTE, then nothing will happen. And it will get even worse. And more people will suffer and die.
We need mutual solidarity pacts to help support each other. No one wants to do the “helping” though and only wants the support. Its just so god damn infuriating.
Thank you, it’s absolutely the real problem. Coddled ass American public. Can’t even change their food habits in the face of economic ruin.
High egg prices are not economic ruin.
More than just eggs are on the way
I don’t see it as coddled. I see it as a mass mental health disorder. Got stress? Best cure is to buy things! This is shoved in our faces constantly since we are the epitome of government run by businesses and kids raised on social media it’s 95% ads disguised as culture and content. The only culture we have is buy shit culture.