• HappyTimeHarry@lemm.ee
    7 days ago

    Sports are stupid and people should just give less of a shit about them in general. Its not the end of the world for a person just because they cant play sports.

    Not a single trans person i know actually gives a shit about sports, if being in womens sports is part of the agenda its pretty far down the list. Youd think based on how much its talked about there is some kind of massive invasion when nothing is really happening (hmm a familiar strategy). Most of these people who pretend to care can’t even name 3 women in the sport theyre pretending to rage about, let alone name a trans women whos dominating in a given sport.

    Its because not enough people pushed back over the “bathrooms” because so few people even feel “comfortable” using a public rest room at all and just want to be left alone. They cant convince liberals all trans people are bathroom rapists but its a lot easier to do with sports when some of the same HRT meds is what cis people use to gain an advantage in some sports, its very easy to mudy the waters that way and shift public opinion.