I’m a construction worker/builder between jobs right now, and I haven’t felt like I am capable of making any kind of decision what direction to go in life for the past 2 months. I am curios is anyone has thoughts on switching industries/jobs based on the Trump trade war/annexation. My only idea right now is joining the army, or the ildu or something.
you’ll probably side with the fascists then eh
Why would I do that?
historically that seems to be what always happens
What history?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Police_state maybe you’ll be one of the good ones
Canada isn’t a police state. People are in jail here because they broke the law.
Not at the moment. But let’s say hypothetically we become the 51st state, and you are ordered to arrest someone or shoot someone who is an insurgent, would you do it?
That’s not how corrections works. I don’t do the arresting. Cops arrest, I look after them in jail. And if we become the 51st state, I’ll end up being on of the insurgents. COs at least where I work are incredibly defiant of almost any type of authority. Maybe the inmates rub off on us in a certain way. But I can’t see most of the people I work with laying down and letting it happen.