Ok captain fantasy land. “Ooooh the poor rednecks, won’t someone think of the rednecks” shuuuuuut the fuck up. They know exactly what they are doing or have you forgot that they tried to overthrow our capital, are racist, terrible parents, occasional child molesters, and seek to ACTIVELY harm you if you are on the opposite team. Spare me that bullshit, I’ve lived around them my entire fucking life, I know EXACTLY who they are.
you’re right, even if your delivery rubbed people the wrong way.
i was raised by them, so to that guy’s logic i should be just like them. i, however, have a painful level of empathy and the need to know the truth. it only took a couple years in my early 20s to deconstruct my entire upbringing (in a literal cult, isolated and homeschooled, mind you)… in today’s world, there is ABSOLUTELY no excuse to be this stupid and bigoted.
being raised among them myself, i too know exactly who these people are. they relish in their ignorance and make it a point of pride to never back down from their beliefs, no matter how logical you point out the issues.
FUCK them. they made my life hell and now i feel like I’m losing my autonomy all over again to these creeps.
Ok captain fantasy land. “Ooooh the poor rednecks, won’t someone think of the rednecks” shuuuuuut the fuck up. They know exactly what they are doing or have you forgot that they tried to overthrow our capital, are racist, terrible parents, occasional child molesters, and seek to ACTIVELY harm you if you are on the opposite team. Spare me that bullshit, I’ve lived around them my entire fucking life, I know EXACTLY who they are.
you’re right, even if your delivery rubbed people the wrong way.
i was raised by them, so to that guy’s logic i should be just like them. i, however, have a painful level of empathy and the need to know the truth. it only took a couple years in my early 20s to deconstruct my entire upbringing (in a literal cult, isolated and homeschooled, mind you)… in today’s world, there is ABSOLUTELY no excuse to be this stupid and bigoted.
being raised among them myself, i too know exactly who these people are. they relish in their ignorance and make it a point of pride to never back down from their beliefs, no matter how logical you point out the issues.
FUCK them. they made my life hell and now i feel like I’m losing my autonomy all over again to these creeps.