As a guy, do you prefer a big ass and small chest or a big chest and small ass on a girl?
Big {not huge} butt and small chest. Can’t say why on the chest. A big butt is just so much fun and looks great. I’d append that it’s got to be a fit butt.
chest can be any size, but I prefer some ass on a woman. literally no ass would be better than any injection though. fake asses look weird and they’re not worth it.
of course personality comes before anything. anyone can be hot if they carry themselves a certain way.
I prefer a shapely ass and small chest.
Big does nothing for me. It’s all about the curvature and bounce for both booty and tiddy.
Honestly though if she’s nice to me and I’m in love with her it doesn’t matter at all. I dated this chick with huge boobs and no ass and she was amazing. Unfortunately we had intellectual differences that I couldn’t get over so I had to end it with her. But she was super sweet and the fact that her body type was nothing like my “preferred” didn’t even matter.
Ass all day. Ass means hips. Hips means fun ride. Tit’s are for babies to feed
I’ll take big chest please. Never cared for rear side of a person. I spend 98% interacting with front side
My general preference is: Thank you. 🤷♂️
Normal size everything. ty.
Not a fan of either being above average “big” myself.
Either can be nice if everything just works out for me.
But I have a big boobs preference for sure.
Username checks out
@Just_J3ss not a universally true rule, but big ass small chest drives me wild
U can have both but I was just curious which ones people would choose haha
@Just_J3ss big ass small chest for sure
@Just_J3ss and by universally true, I meant that sometimes I can like girls that don’t confirm to my preference, although other things being equal, this is it
Whats about femboys with big asses;3
I don’t think I have a preference either way
Whoever happens to be with me at that time!
Small booty big tits, oh yeah, motorboat and a full mouth
Small tits big booty, oh yeah, spank time
Small booty, small tits, spinner, sinner oh yeah
Big booty big tits more cushin for the pushin
Ass all day. But tiny asses need love too.
Big ass, small chest for sure