
I’m looking for an instant messaging ( IM ) apps software/protocol that run on Android and computer

and meet the following requirements :

  • Open source !
  • E2EE
  • Messages are send in direct ! (not passing by a server)
  • handle group
  • Truly private ! ( That’s the tricky part )


The closest that I’ve found is Briar

  • +can work without internet ! (bluetooth, local wifi, files !)
  • + use TOR
  • - Mutual party have to exchange key (or your can introduce someone)
  • - sending media suck for now, poor image quality
  • - no call or voice messaging


I’ve been looking for alternatives:

  • Session
    • Sadly it keep ALL the conversation into server !!! so it’s a no go.
  • speek
    • I didn’t try it yet, any feedback ?
  • simplex
    • it look very promising ! (didn’t tried it yet)
    • + seem to handle multiple profile in one !
    • + do not require that both party send an invitation !
    • ! I didn’t found (yet) if the messages are send in direct or pass by a server…

All post about alternatives or experience with the one that I cited are welcome.

  • Skull giver@popplesburger.hilciferous.nl
    10 months ago

    It’s been stuck in “coming soon” hell for ages, but VeilidChat may be of interest to you.

    TorChat is rather clunky, but any privacy respecting chat app without an intermediate server will be. Is a bit like Tor but with some improvements, so running a chat protocol on top of it should work better.

    Note that there is an app called “veilid chat” out there that doesn’t seem to have anything to do with the people writing code on the Veilid network.