Our bunny looked at me like that every time I collected his poop to use it as fertiliser for my plants, but he got used to it after a while. I think he was still silently judging me.
Bunnies always are, but it would happen whether or not you were collecting their poo. My wife’s bun had this inscrutable face, but you could tell he was always judging you, even when you were giving him everything he wanted. We loved him so much!
He ate a lot of his poop, yes, but not all of it and always straight from his butt. I think they do that because it contains nutrients they need but don’t get (or don’t get enough of) through their normal diet. He had a litter box in one corner of the room that he peed and pooped in, and he never touched that when he was done.
Our bunny looked at me like that every time I collected his poop to use it as fertiliser for my plants, but he got used to it after a while. I think he was still silently judging me.
Bunnies always are, but it would happen whether or not you were collecting their poo. My wife’s bun had this inscrutable face, but you could tell he was always judging you, even when you were giving him everything he wanted. We loved him so much!
Don’t bunnies eat their first round or poos after eating? Or is that a myth from the internet?
You might be taking away their second breakfast.
He ate a lot of his poop, yes, but not all of it and always straight from his butt. I think they do that because it contains nutrients they need but don’t get (or don’t get enough of) through their normal diet. He had a litter box in one corner of the room that he peed and pooped in, and he never touched that when he was done.