Today I went to burger king for the first time in years. It was even worse than I remembered it. (had the vegetarian option, don’t know if it’s as bad with the meat burgers) Additionally it’s fucking expensive and not as quick as it used to be. So my question is why do some people go there regulary?
Lack of time, lack of energy, or both. Cooking is exhausting and difficult when you’re already tired from working.
It seems like way more work to go out to get fast food than to pop something in the microwave, instant pot, air frier, or to pull something out of the fridge.
You can put together some pretty cheap, easy, healthy meals with maybe 1-2 minutes of actual prep work. It may not be obvious, but search and you will find. 👌
Air fryer and sous vide has made it easy for me to do quick cooking when I don’t have time.
I love the idea of sous vide but I associate hot water and plastic with leeched chemicals and microplastics.
You can use silicone sous vide bags. Which are re-useable, so no plastic waste at all.
I’ll check that out! Thanks!