Both strangers or people you know?
As often as I can, people deserve to feel good.
Nice job.
God I really should, I just dont want to sound creepy.
Try making complimemts throwaway statements, like theyre a gemeral fact and not the focus of a coversation. I feel like thats the reason some compliments come off as creepy, plus don’t be overly familiar.
Same. I recently met a wonderful woman who I’ve become very good friends with. When I first met her, I was interested in maybe dating her, so I was very careful and selective with the compliments I gave her because I didn’t want to sound like a creep (and I’m autistic so I’m bad at judging what’s okay to say). After I asked her out and she rejected me, we agreed to just be friends, and I suddenly felt far more okay openly complimenting her in many different ways. It feels really good to give someone a genuine compliment just because you want them to feel good, no strings attached.
Not enough
My wife: daily.
Others: sometimes.
You look great today OP
Are you the CIA agent assigned to me?
Lovingly watching you. Every second of your life.
Probably twice or more as often as I complain. I’m not shy about either and I make sure that there complaint is reasonable, not about scoring points, and with an easy way out.
I am really anti people who only complain. Finding fault with something is really easy compared to complementing.
Finding fault with yourself is twice as easy as even that.
A simple complement can change a day and/or prevent a suicide that you would never know about.
If you want to know who someone is, watch how they treat people who they believe are ‘below’ them. If something is still ‘off’, get them drunk: real personalities come out to play when inhibition is completely gone.
Once in the past, god knows how long.
American women came into where I work. Asked her aboir her a cent. She told me, then said she tries to hide it. I just said, “Well, it’s a really nice accent.” Which, for me, is absolutely out there, and it just felt natural(?) To say
Nice tits.
I’m joking. Never do that.
Edit: oh, how often. As soon as they do something I appriciate. It’s easy to be kind.
This is the way, it’s easy and at times even contagious!