Think of it like a video game HUD where there’s just text floating above a person’s head where you see all their political beliefs, including the degree of bigotry (if any), or whether or not the person believes in the use of violence to acheive polical goals, basically every little detail that would accurately depict people’s political beliefs. Your beliefs are also visible to others. This effect has 1KM radius, including people above and below you.

So, how fucked are you?

(Think of all the authorities in your area that can see your beliefs, including the beliefs regarding the recent incident…)

    3 months ago

    I’m fine. I live in Canada, and I’m not a fascist, Nazi, (colour) supremacist, or anything.

    I just lean to the left and appreciate public/social services; which is slightly “communist” but not “authoritarian Nazi” Communist. No no, you should be free to live how you want, work in whatever field you want, eat the food you like, love who you wanna love, and live how and where you want to live. I’m just in favor of things like, not bankrupting someone because they got pneumonia and had to go to the hospital for a day; also fire departments, schools, employment insurance (social/government), streets and roads, parks, sidewalks, community centers… You know, stuff that everyone owns, but nobody “owns”? Stuff we all can use without having to pay for it.

    I’m also in favor of UBI, but I realize that UBI may not happen anytime soon, maybe not in my lifetime. I hope it happens eventually (or at do away with fiat currency), for the good of the people, but I recognize the fight is difficult to win.