Sorry if this is a weird question. I’m bored and randomly thought about reincarnation and started wondering, thought this would be a fun question. 😉


  • All your current memory is instantly transferred when you fall asleep one night (you don’t get any prior knowledge of this so you won’t be able to make any preparations), then when you wake up, you are in the body of a random North Korean kid living in Pyongyang somewhere between age 10 and 14 and matching your gender assigned to your original body at birth (I’m sorry, I know this would be a struggle for those that don’t identify with their gender assigned at birth, but it’s part of the challenges of this hypothetical)

  • All psychological health conditions are also transferred (unfortunately)

  • Your new host body would not have any physical disabilities and is mostly healthy (sort of)

  • You don’t have any of your host body’s original memories, they’re gone. (Edit: You retain any language that your host body’s original consciousness have learned, but no memories) Their consciousness was overwritten by your consciousness’s arrival and they, unfortunately, died. That consciousness wouldn’t know or feel anything, it just vanishes, poof.

  • The person who was originally you in your old body, would immediately die during sleep, at the moment of the consciousness transfer occuring. Doctors could not find a cause of death, and its marked as “Unknown Cause of Death”. No foul play would be found, no one would ever get falsely suspected by authorities of murdering you.

So how do you survive?

How do you plan your escape, or are you even gonna try?


  • I Cast
    3 months ago

    I’d probably die of hunger or from being overworked for a minor fault in a year or so.

    I could try to create some sort of boat with a low profile, using whatever trash and wood is available, in order to flee by sea (can n. koreans even go to the beaches alone?). Supposing I actually managed to build something that works, supposing that nobody ratted me (from my understanding, family and neighbors are your worst nightmare and will rat you out), supposing that no n. korean patrol boats caught me, I’d still have to manage paddling/rowing on an open ocean for a week or more. No way I’d manage to get enough food and water for that long time. Depending on the time of the year, the sun could prove fatal. Storms are another danger that could fuck me up big time.

    Should everything work out fine (it wouldn’t), I’d reach s. korean shores and turn myself in for asylum and maybe aim for a different continent. Supposing I kept my originally learnt languages, by now I’d know 3 (native br-portuguese, english and native korean), so I could try any anglophone country, or return to Brazil if I’m feeling stupid.