Welcome to Technology Memes. Here you can make memes and/or rant about
technology, internet, computers, corporations, enshittification and etc. Rules:
1. Stay on-topic. 2. Don’t attack and harras anyone. Be nice. 3. No racism and
discrimination. 4. No politics unless they’re related to tech. 5. No spam, no
ads. 6. No NSFW. 7. Don’t repost. Please report any posts and comments that
violate these rules. Related communities: * Linux Memes [
[email protected]]
- Linux related memes. * Memes [
[email protected]] - Generic memes. * Lemmy
Shitpost [
[email protected]] - Place for shitposting. * Programmer Humor
[email protected]] - Programming related memes. * Technology
[email protected]] - Community for tech news.
[email protected]