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“I’m not interested in anyone who is moving further away from the center,” said Cindy Bass, a Pennsylvania committee member from Philadelphia. “The center is where we have to be.”

They’re not going to change a thing unless people make them.

Find your local state delegate and personally tell them how you feel a centrist is only going to guarantee another Republican victory. They are listed here:

Bernie Sanders is working behind the scenes to get a progressive in there but he can’t do it alone.

    4 months ago

    I’m sure that the same people who couldn’t deliver Bernie Sanders an overwhelming win in 2020 can suddenly become savvy pols who can just put together a national third party.

    If you want action, do what AOC and the others in her squad did. Work inside the Dem party.

    Take a lesson from the right. Back in the 1970s Jerry Falwell decided to take control of the GOP. He did it from the ground up. If the local GOP club had had twenty people show up to the last meeting to pick the next county clerk, Falwell’s people would show up with fifty people. Soon those county clerks and sheriffs were becoming Congresspeople and Senators.

    Politics is a game and the left sucks at playing it.