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“I’m not interested in anyone who is moving further away from the center,” said Cindy Bass, a Pennsylvania committee member from Philadelphia. “The center is where we have to be.”

They’re not going to change a thing unless people make them.

Find your local state delegate and personally tell them how you feel a centrist is only going to guarantee another Republican victory. They are listed here:

Bernie Sanders is working behind the scenes to get a progressive in there but he can’t do it alone.

    4 months ago

    Middle America is about 20y behind the rest of us, this is the 90s gay marriage situation all over again. If the DNC actually wants to win elections they need to stop putting narrow identity groups front and center and run on their track record of positive economic policy for everyone or they’re going to lose every election for the next 20y (barring those won by voter backlash over catastrophic Republican admin fuck-ups.)

    The DNC went too far down the identity politics rabbit hole and hasn’t quite realized that people in the identity demographics they want to Jenga together into 270 EC votes are willing to vote for the other side because they’re not happy with the DNC’s corporate profit economy.

    The critical flaw in the DNC’s 20y old identity politics strategy is the assumption that these identity groups are monolithic. It’s a prejudiced as hell position to take that “these are the interests of all women” or “these are the interests of all black people” and yet that’s what the DNC has tried to do for the last three elections running. It should be painfully obvious at this point that this doesn’t work: women, PoC and Muslims voted for Trump in droves (or stayed home in protest) despite the front and center spending to bring those groups on side this election. Everyone’s tired of performative pandering and wants real economic and policy reform to help recover some of what was lost to the last couple of economic crashes and to inflation.

    The meme is already stale but JFC they’ve learned nothing from the last two election losses - the Harris campaign was the 2016 Clinton campaign minus the fundraising dinners on Wall St.

      4 months ago

      Middle America is about 20y behind the rest of us, this is the 90s gay marriage situation all over again. If the DNC actually wants to win elections they need to stop putting narrow identity groups front and center

      The RNC did that. Democratic candidates, in their trademark panicked cowardice, parroted right wing bigotry about boys in girls’ sports in their own campaign ads.

      Most of the time, when Democrats mentioned trans people at all, they were making sure to let everyone know that they didn’t have their backs. Add that to breaking solidarity with Muslim voters, and you have a party that broadcasted that it was eager to throw vulnerable populations under the bus.

        4 months ago

        The conservative media machine has been splitting wedges between groups basically forever, it’s a convenient way to pit people against each other.

        The DNC, in their infinite wisdom, took that political landscape and instead of bringing everyone together in a big tent decided to pick out specific identity groups to pander to and drove the original wedges clean through.

        I’m almost convinced the DNC wants to lose at this point, they seem pretty content with the position of professional minority opposition - it’s a convenient place to be if you want to fundraise endlessly.

        4 months ago

        It’s ridiculous that these things even need to be pointed out. The DNC is packed full of highly educated high income people who have no fucking idea what the average person’s life is like and it shows in their priorities.

        They need to drop their focus on identity pandering and neoliberal corporate blood sucking if they want any hope in hell of an EC win. All the slick consultants in the world won’t convince middle America to vote for more business as usual.