• enbyecho@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    It’s not a zero sum game. It’s not like you “win” the election across the board and get everything you could possibly want. And even if you did get a blue wave you STILL don’t get everything you want. Incredibly, it’s a big country with lots of different people with different ideas of how it should run. It’s a simple fact that among Dems most are not that progressive. Our political system is really a bunch of compromises where nobody gets everything they want but, ideally we all get something. What I’ve observed among many folks such as yourself is that you think you should get everything instantly. My speculation is that people who think like this are dealing with a shorter time scale because they are younger. That’s in no way a bad thing but it does mean you haven’t seen the tremendous change that’s happened or 4 or 5 decades. To me, things have improved dramatically and of the many things that stand out is the fact that I don’t have to worry about being beaten, raped, or murdered for being queer. I can be openly trans. I can even marry my lover.

    I’m not saying I don’t want to see a viable third party or more truly progressive candidates. But this is a long game where slow incremental progress is assured even if on a much shorter time scale it seems nothing has happened. From my perspective while we still have a long way to go, we’ve made a lot of progress.

    • GaMEChld@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      That’s a lot of response to something I’m not even sure I was talking about. My point is the Democratic Party as a whole is lacking in tactics and cohesive strategy. The Spoiler Effect is a real thing, not some imagined phenomenon and because voters are largely uneducated about that fact it’s a big issue that is solved by people like me pointing it out. Unless you are arguing the spoiler effect does not exist, I don’t think there’s much to discuss.