• enbyecho@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    You are so wound up in your anger you can’t even have a reasonable dialogue. You don’t even realize that shouting angrily at people just makes you look like a fool.

    Keep losing elections because you’re too busy chasing the mythical centrist unicorn

    I don’t want centrist anything, I want socialism. Calling me a liberal is about the funniest thing I’ve heard all week.

    But you are so angry you can’t even read the words. You assume I’m things I’m not. LOLLOLOL.

    The central difference between us is that instead of angrily shaking my fist and shouting at people so much I can’t hear a damned thing they say - I acknowledge I’m not the main character and that listening can accomplish far more than yelling in a blind range.

    I hope you live a better life and recover from your anger. I highly recommend long hikes, good food, good friends and practicing gratitude.