Found in Manchester, UK.

    10 months ago

    It was… Once upon a time. Now those who drink coffee largely regard it as brown, burnt water.

    Tim Hortons was once a magical place that lives up to the nostalgia fuel marketing that drives the franchise to this day. Every single store has actual bakers on staff who made the pastries, the coffee was genuinely fresh, and it seemed like staff were valued.

    Then it got sold to the investment bankers and franchise conglomerates. It’s been min/maxed to death, whittling down every cost to the bare minimum. Things taste like cardboard, and people go because it’s there.

    Interestingly enough, when McDonald’s moved into the coffee game, they picked up the bean contract that Tim Hortons held for eons. Tim’s dropped it for cost, and not an insignificant amount of people swapped over to McDonald’s for their coffee.