The election is in three weeks, and Pennsylvania is a must-win state for both Trump and Kamala Harris, but during a rally last night in Montgomery County, northwest of Philadelphia, Trump got bored with the event, billed as a “town hall,” and just played music for almost 40 minutes, scowling, smirking, and swaying onstage. Trump is no stranger to surreal moments, yet this was one of the oddest of his political career.

This kind of behavior would have resulted in discussion of dementia and Alzheimers if it was a Democrat.

    6 days ago

    No. It’s not we tried being honest about it so now we have to be dicks about it. It’s that someone needs to care enough about all of this to reach these people where they are. Something is broken. You don’t fix this by plugging it with bubble gum and hope it works.

    Why are people not compelled to change their minds when there’s overwhelming evidence that he is not a good person or someone who should lead this country? What in their minds is he doing for them?

    I just had a family vacation where I found out most of my family intends to vote for him. How, I don’t know, but they’re not aware of how horrible he was as president or as a person. They’re getting fake news from social media. All they care about is “the border” and gas prices. I told them it was Trump who, for personal reasons, killed the best bipartisan immigration bill this country has ever seen and that no president has ever had substantial control over gas prices. They had nothing to say in response. I don’t know if they didn’t know this already or if they just didn’t want to hear it (probably both). All they know is that for the years that Trump was president, their wallets were fuller. Personally, I think everyone has forgotten how much government stimulus we all received and few of us are aware of the ramifications we’re still experiencing from the pandemic. My take away was that a lot of people are not as invested in politics as you or I are. The information they come across is casual. They see a headline, assume it’s fact, then scroll on to the next meme.

    Moreover, there needs to be honest and sincere conversations. We’ve all assumed the role of debater where we’re unable to concede a point or allow someone to have an opinion different than our own. The facts need to be transparent. The media needs to stop tainting the evidence. Calmer discussions need to be had.

    For example: We should all make note that there is an immigration issue at our southern border and that we want to minimize all illegal alien activity. We should be having open discussions about how to resolve that issue. Some people want to shut the border down but they may be unaware that that’s not legal to do. Some people believe this is a Democrat operation to get more voters but they may not be aware that a lot of Latin American immigrants are super conservative. Instead of allowing The Right to own this conversation, The Left should be pummeling this issue towards the proper direction. We should be demanding more spending at the border to get more judges. We need to increase the ease of people to come into the country, not lock them out, so they’re more likely to do it the right way than the illegal way. And although the Biden administration was nearly successful in this, it wasn’t reported enough to break through to The Right. This is what should have been plastered all over the media, not the already known fact of Trump’s mental issues.