I’m looking at getting a gateway device to replace the ISP router that sits between the internet connection and the mesh WiFi.

I am running pi-hole on a (very old) raspberry pi, but I know some gateways get quite fancy so I’m wondering if it’s possible to have pi-hole on the gateway itself, to run as DNS and DHCP servers?

Other things I’m looking for in a gateway are VPN as a client (preferably Wireguard) and PoE ports for cameras.

If it’s possible to host something like pi-hole directly on the gateway then hardware recommendations are appreciated!

  • tychosmoose@lemm.ee
    28 days ago

    If you’re buying new cameras they’ll be 802.3af PoE. Passive is becoming much less common. So that model router I linked would work great.

    I think if you’re a moderately technically inclined person you would be happy with that solution. If you are intimidated at the idea of writing or adapting some scripts, I would probably recommend a router on one of the other platforms plus a PoE switch.