Mastodon post transcription:

kasran, fourier transfemme @[email protected]

minimalism is a scam invented by big small to sell more less

October 29, 2023 at 10:23 PM · 13 replies · 290 reblogs · 425 favorites

Original Post Link (Mastodon)

    10 months ago

    I suppose everyone looks at minimalism differently, but to me as I understand it functional minimalism is not “have the least amount of things possible; live in a barren house”. It’s more “only have what you need”. If you need those tools, it’s not against minimalism to have them. It would not be minimalist to buy a newer, fancier drill when the one you already have does the job as needed. Minimalism isn’t also about depriving yourself of happiness. But to be thoughtful about the things you buy and whether the act of buying it will trigger some quick endorphins or whether the item will actually serve purpose and fulfillment to you/your heart.