You forgot the frame where he starts talking about his problems and the frame after where he is told to stop trauma dumping.
True, Rarely anyone wantsnto actually know how you have been. Just a question to start a conversation like a greeting.
So I just default to “fine” or “it has to” (makes more sense in german).
Depending on how well I know the person I’ll say something like “slowly going insane, but it’s fine”
You’re so visibly not okay that a flaming, disembodied skull is asking if you’re okay.
In that case nobody is ok, so it’s not a very useful term.
Well crap, my answer. Has been uhh I guess for quite awhile. I though that counted.
I go with “relatively speaking”. No one asks what it’s related to.
Source: ButtPoems
That’s why skulls are always smiling
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